How to choose the right treatment?
There are many things to consider when choosing a treatment for erectile dysfunction. While a topical cream may be right for many patients, oral medications are also widely used. However, keep in mind that they may be associated with side effects, and that they may not be appropriate for all people because of other medical conditions or medications. Treatments like injections or vacuum pumps may also be the right choice when other treatments have failed.
Whatever treatment option you choose, your doctor can help you to make the best and safest choice considering your overall health conditions and lifestyle. Involving your partner is important in deciding what treatment is best for both. Take action now!
Hatzimouratidis K, Eardely I, Giuliano F, et al. Guidelines on male sexual dysfunction: erectile dysfunction and premature
ejaculation. Update 2015. Available at website: http://uroweb.org/wp-content/uploads/14-Male-Sexual-Dysfunction_LR1.pdf
How to evaluate the efficacy of the treatment?
Two questions can help you and your doctor better understand if the treatments you are taking are improving erectile dysfunction.
The Global Assessment Question (GAQ)
Q1. Has the treatment you have been taking improved your erectile function?
Q2. If yes, has the treatment improved your ability to engage in sexual activity?
Hatzimouratidis K, Eardely I, Giuliano F, et al. Guidelines on male sexual dysfunction: erectile dysfunction and premature
ejaculation. Update 2015. Available at website: http://uroweb.org/wp-content/uploads/14-Male-Sexual-Dysfunction_LR1.pdf
Giuliano F, Sanchez-Ramos A, Lochner-Ernst D, Del Popolo G, Cruz N, Leriche A, Lombardi G, Reichert S, Dalh P, Elion-Mboussa A, Casariego J. Efficacy and safety of Tadalafil in men with erectile dysfunction following spinal cord injury. Arch Neurol 2007;64:1584-1592.
What changes should I make to my lifestyle?
In some men, simply making a few lifestyle changes can help ED.
These include:
Lifestyle changes that can help ED
✔ Losing weight if overweight
✔ Giving up smoking
✔ Moderating consumption of alcohol
✔ Exercising regularly